FORTECO® Framing System has beams engineered using detailed structural analysis. Depth of beams, required thickness and structural properties for the specified spans …etc all is pre-engineered. The framing system has insulation foam designed and built in to it along with well thought out guide holes for running electrical wiring. The re-bars in the framing are also structurally verified to support required weight.
This makes FORTECO® Framing system a full engineered and assembled frame ready for the construction site.
Contractors are able to pour concrete at the site and install the tilt up walls.
See more on this fully engineered, assembled framing system in this video >>
Since FORTECO® Framing System is much lighter in weight, the assembled frames can be transported to the construction site very easily.
FortEco® Framing system requires only four inches wide concrete section which can be easily poured on site. The walls are much lighter in weight simplifying handling and installation of the walls at construction site. Also, with integrated insulation for the walls, designed support for running electrical wiring, and flexibility to hang dry walls and custom finishes, there is significant savings in labor cost.
See in this video, the tilt walls built and installed at the construction site of Good Harvest Market. >>